Security Literature
Hacker Challenge Report (pdf)
ANI 0-day Analysis (pdf)
Firepass Security Advisory (pdf)
eDir Remote Code Exec (pdf)
ZERT & MS VML Patch (pdf)
Python To Extract Malware (pdf)
Torpig VMM/IDT Signatures (pdf)
Vmware Shellcode Injection (pdf)
Unpacking FSG (pdf)
Hacking the Packer (pdf)
Life and Times of Ddabx (pdf)
W0rd 0-day Dissassembly
Cryptography of SSH2
Upload Scripts & Toolkits
Red-Headed Browsers & WMF
Classic Trimode Exploit
ISC Malware Quiz 5 (pdf)
Access Log Analytics 2006
Assorted Incidentals 2005
Scan of the Month 34
MS JVMs ByteVerify Trojan
Awstats Linux Rootkit
Tri-Mode Browser Exploits
Namibian TIBS Infection
Bestfriends and Sdbot Rootkit
Gwee Exploits Webmail
XSS, Triple-encoded Exploit
telnet:// used in IE Exploit
Investigating CHM Exploits
Investigating Netwin Malware
Short Security Discussions
Short Proof of Concepts
Attack Signatures and Analysis
First Trojan Tracking Journey
Art of Memory Forensics
Malware Analyst's Cookbook
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Aaron Bieber
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